Sunday, August 29, 2010

iTunes,You Tube and others Module 5

Once again we are off on another adventure into the world of the Web. I now know how my brother gets his 'Blues Music' from the States every Sunday night. That's right he Podcasts! I also know that it means Portable, On Demand, and that Cast means file sent over the net in the way broadcast comes as radio and tv airwaves.
Any one can do it. Even me!!! The great thing is that you are then able to transfer it to MP3 players or iPods to enjoy anywhere.
Vodcast on the other hand are a podcast that contain video content. These can also be referred to as Vidcast.
iTunes was another little discovery this week. I thought you just downloaded from this site, but it also syncs all your media with iPod, iPhone and Apple tv. All that you need to be entertained.
I have frequently used You Tube and has been a great resouce in the past. I am now going to delve further into teacher tube and see what it has to offer.
I am very happy to say that my Kinder class at this point in time are telling a digital story about the Bee Bots. Bee Bots are robotic bees and we have been using them in Maths to explore position, 2D shapes and number stories. In our technology time the children are preparing power points to tell others about the Bee Bots and what they can do.
Well that was a fun module! I hope the next one is just as exciting!

1 comment:

  1. You appear to have really enjoyed this module,Chris. The Bee Bots sound fantastic! I would love to learn more about them, as would the rest of the school, Im sure! Perhaps you could think about having a bit of a sharing session at a staff meeting or assembly. It may also be a nice way to finish off the term with Year 6 buddies.
