Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Module 10- To WIKI or NING?

WIKI -What a fantastic tool! It is a website that allows the users in a group to create and edit

any number of web linked pages in one place. It has two buttons - the EDIT and SAVE. The EDIT button transform the wiki page into a document ready for editing, by changing or adding words and /or by changing the way it looks etc. When a member of the group has finished their changes the SAVE button is clicked and it becomes a web page again. It enables everyone to collaborate and coordinate more easily. A third button - LINK when clicked will create a new page and allows the group to edit, write and save as on previous page/s. This certainly saves all those emails going back and forth!

NING is an online platform for users to create their own social websites and social networks. I found the Ning in Education site extremely interesting.
Both forms of technology offer a place for collaborative learning that can be implemented successfully and benefit both teachers and students.
The Web 20 course course has allowed me to become more aware of how it can assist in improving the learning outcomes for all students especially as we live in a digital age. It allows students to exercise their learning strengths and preferences and to complete tasks in many different ways. Web 20 allows for social collaboration which will encourage communication and cooperation and therefore improve learning outcomes.

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