Monday, October 25, 2010

Final Reflection- At last

It has been a long, frustrating (at times)and exciting (at others) journey into the world of Web 20. The course has been very engaging and VERY challenging at times, but it has shown me how to cater for and allow my students to grow in this digitial world that they are fully immersed in. After all the most important point of elearning and ALL learning is that students are engaged and challenged.

We as teachers have a duty to develop in our students the skills of being responsible and reflective learners in a global learning world using Web 2 tools. It is also important that we, the teachers are competent users of these tools.

Bloom's taxonomy has been around for ever and is very relevant to the way students learn. It acknowledges the higher order thinking skills and the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Map certainly encompasses the Web 2 tools. I will certainly keep this in mind when planning units of work in the future to further enhance the learning outcomes for my students using the Web 2 tools that I have encountered during this course. It is important to remember to adapt and set tasks that challenge each student at their own level,-not too easy and not too hard. This is necessary so that all students are engaged and challenged and attaining their optimum learning outcomes in all areas. Referring to the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in our planning will allow us as teachers to guide our students to this end.
My travels through the Web 2 course have been very rewarding for the majority of the time and then again equally frustrating when the technology for what ever reason, (including operator failings) doesn't deliver. It also doesn't help when ICT policy doesn't allow all the applications needed for different tools eg iTunes into the primary schools.. It has exposed me to a number of wonderful sites and tools that I will be able to comfortably use in the future with my class to ehance both my teaching and more importantly the learning outcomes for all my students. I have already begun a mini blog for my Kinders through Myclasses page in relation to the our work with Bee Bots which has had some success. I can also see Glogster as being a tool that they would embrace enthusiastically. As teachers in Catholic schools it is important to keep our values in mind at all times and to constantly remind the children of their responsibilities in this digital world that they are well and truly apart of.
I am very lucky to have been able to do this course through school and would not have completed it without the support of our Thursday Morning Breakfast Club and Amanda . Thank you all.
Thank you also to the team at CEO who have made this course possible as it has been a very worthwhile and rewarding experience.
I have l;isted a comment on the following blogs, and


  1. Good on you Chris you are a legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be seeing all sorts of interesting things next year!!!!! Hope all the parents will be able to so they can see a rough idea of your teaching!!!!! Well done Xx mandy

  2. Chris,
    You made it - completely agree - the time and effort taken to complete these tasks has been huge! But in saying that, i think you'll agree, the possible outcomes could be sensational.
