Monday, September 27, 2010

Module 9 Scootle

I found the Scootle website very interesting and will explore it further to find resources to use in my classroom. Scootle stands for Schools Online Teaching and Learning Environment. It provides access to a wide range of digital curriculum resources. It allows you to to set up collaborative workspaces that are secure and easy to access using digital interactive learning objects. It would be great to use this tool schoolwide, but all teachers would have to be inserviced to use it. Scootle also allows you set up learning paths for students and is a great way to organise tasks /workspaces for individualised programs.

Second life allows users to become immersed in a 3D virtual world that can provide and deliver a unique educational setting. It allows you co create, collaborate and exchange with other people near and far in self paced tutorials. Great for older students, but not my kinders.

Social networking is the way to go for the youinger generation. It is a very big part of their social lifes, the older generation no. I can see the benefits of social networking for shy people as it enables creativity, boosts confidence and enables them to represent themselves on line. My concern is with those people who represent themselves falsely and pray on others. Cyber bullying continues to be a major concern. As teachers we need to teach our students to be safe online users with the right skills and tools. With the rise of Web 2 the acceptable use policy/ies needs to be revised. Many of our students are already using Facebook and Twitter at home so it is important that we as teachers are aware of the policies etc and instruct our students accordingly.

Module 8 RSS and Google Reader

RSS is a format for for delivering regularly changing web content. It saves you from searching your sites individually and updates them all in one place. Great, and saves you TIME. You can read them all in one place. It is easy to subscribe to and all the new things come to you in the one spot.
Subscribe to feeds through your favourite websites. Once you have subscriptions in place you can automatically see what's new and you are able to share and comment with friends. Items are marked as read as you pass them.
A great thing for us busy people.

Module 7 Delicious but not my cooking mag

Another 'Delicious' topic to explore. I found this an exciting little site to explore. It enables you to keep links to your favourite articles, blogs, restaurants, music etc on any computer, anywhere.
It is a free service, but it does mean you have yet another sign on and password to keep track of.
Allows your network to follow each other and keep in touch. It can be made public or private and having good tags is benefical.
Great for social networking and for searching Delicious to find bargains.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Module 6 To or Glogster
I found an interesting and easy tool to use. It is a free tool and a great way to get what's inside your head down in a useable format . You are able to create mindmaps on line and therefore able to share and work with friends on line. You can also embed your mind map in your blog or website, email it, print it or save as an image. I love how it blows up when you delete the bubble!
I can certainly see its advantages when for example grade planning . I have found it very frustrating in that it can't be used at school, no access to flash!!! So there goes , at this point in time any chance to use it for grade planning next week.
I found using Glogster a great tool to use. I could see its use in the classroom, but I would be very worried about it being used by some as a form of cyber bullying. It creates an online poster or web page. You are able to combine text, pictures, graphics, video and audio to creat an interactive on line poster that can be embedded into a myclasses page, wiki or blog as I have done. A great way to while away the hours. After many unsucssessful attempts, I found it difficult to download my glog. One of the many frustrations of completing this course in a primary school.